Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I hear the call to prayer

I stay in a little apartment here in Toronto and I often leave the window open at night to let the air circulate. As such, I often hear the traffic in the streets below, the drunks yelling obscenities, and general random *bangs* in the night that I assume to be gunshots and hubster says are just mufflers going off. No, hubster, they are gunshots, I swear it by the hair of my chinny chin chin. Every once in a while as I am drifting off to sleep, I hear the call to prayer. Of course, it's not the real call to prayer - it's the bus station a block away announcing random stuff over the loudspeakers. But being in the blur of almost-sleep, I often find myself wondering in the midnight hours what country I am in! I wonder if this happens to all the expats when they go back to their homelands...


قبر يمشى said...

lsorry for you, but you need to cover your ears or block them to enjoy sleep

Orchidthief said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Lauren said...

Hello, great blog. I work for travel publishing website and we are looking for people who would be interested in taking photos in and around Riyadh. Sorry for having to post here but I couldn't find an email address to contact you with directly. If you'd like to hear more details, please send an email to lauren@gmail.com. Thanks!

The Apprentice said...

Wow, you got some interesting comments round here :P

well, honestly speaking it happens to me alot, even when I was in Japan, it just becomes an engraved sound wave in your brain, and just keeps tellin you its there, I once heard it while there was no sound to be heard, spooky huh?