Monday, August 10, 2009

jet lagging it

I've been bouncing between the world of the unconscious and reality. The last couple of trips I've had here I've been able to adjust pretty quickly, but now, a full one and a half weeks after my arrival, I've only had a couple full nights sleep. Either I sleep only for a few hours at night and then get up and putter around, or else I sleep for 12 hours and I get up and putter around. This means I've also been missing all the morning bus rides to get groceries and to go to souks and the like. Disappointing! Hopefully I'll get into the swing of things in the next week or so. I've been taking the odd antihistamine to help get to sleep, which works, but I don't want to deplete my supply in case something major happens, like if I get bitten by a muttawa and have an allergic reaction. No, I jest. But seriously, I can't get Benadryl here - they don't have even a generic brand of it. They have chlorphenirmine, which could be a good antihistimine....for me to poop on! No, I jest again. I suppose there's nothing wrong with chlorphenirmine and I could try it, I'm just used to Benadryl. So. I've been rationing my supply. Hubster says we should go buy some Ambien, which is a prescription product in the US, but is an ask-and-thou-shalt-receive product here. And I could always try melatonin or valerion here, I suppose... Or I could just do nothing, which I'm pretty good at doing according to my mother.


Orchidthief said...

Love this blog! You are hilarious!

Orchidthief said...

I'm leaving comments for myself so I can pretend that someone is reading my blog.

Orchidthief said...

Also, your mother loves you and you shouldn't make jokes about her in your blog because she might come around reading it, and then you'll get a lecture.

LadyLuz said...

There, there, don't get downhearted. People may be reading, but not commenting. I popped back again after your long absence just to see what you were up to and could relate to your troubled sleeping. I was the same when I lived there - either too hot, too cold, too much/too little sleep.

Have a Google for homeopathic or essential oils to help sleeping - they are non addictive.

Keep smiling....

Orchidthief said...

Ladyluz - thanks for your comment! My sleep schedule is slowly getting back on track.